LVR-Amt für
im Rheinland
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Tüllenkanne Pingsdorfer Machart, um 1200, Fundort Brauweiler (Foto: Alfred Schuler, LVR-ABR)

im Rheinland

The Late Glacial Burial from Oberkassel Revisited

Liane Giemsch/Ralf W. Schmitz (Hrsg.)

The Late Glacial Burial from Oberkassel Revisited

Rheinische Ausgrabungen 72

In February 1914, quarry workers in Bonn-Oberkassel discovered the skeletal remains of two human beings as well as art objects and the remains of a dog in a 14,000 years old double burial. Starting in 2008 the finds has been submitted to a complete multi-disciplinary re-investigation. Approximately 30 international researchers contributed to the volume presented here.

300 Seiten, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Darmstadt 2015, ISBN 978-3-8053-4970-3, 69,90 €

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